Sain tänään virkamiesruotsin kokeen tulokset, ja pääsin kaikista osioista läpi :D
Niinpä kulta antoi lainata Paypal:iaan, ja sain ostettua kaksi ohjetta uusimmasta Twist collectivesta. Nyt koneella möllöttävät sekä Luminen, että Pas de Valse. Pas de Valse pääsee varmaan kohta puikoille, sillä langatkin ovat jo valmiina. Luminen joutuu ehkä odottamaan jonkun hetken, ennenkuin keksin mitkä langat sopivat siihen parhaiten.
Samoin "A Knitter's Book of Yarn" ja "101 Luxury One Skein Wonders" pääsivät perille.
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Monday, 17 August 2009
Ai niin joo / Oh yeah...
Meinasin ihan unohtaa, että ihastelin kovasti Ysolda Teaguen Whimsical Little Knits-neulekokoelmia, ja olen ajatellut sijoittaa jopa molempiin. Pitää katsoa miltä tuntuu palkkapäivän jälkeen, jos vaikka palkitsisi itsensä ruotsin kokeen jälkeen ;) Toisaalta, odotan juuri kahta muuta neulekirjaa saapuviksi.
Oh I almost forgot that I spent a good deal of time oohing and aahing over Ysolda Teague's Whimsical Little Knits-collections, and I've considered buying both. I'll have to wait and see what I feel like after payday, and once my Swedish exam is over ;) Then again, I'm waiting for 2 other books to be delivered.
Oh I almost forgot that I spent a good deal of time oohing and aahing over Ysolda Teague's Whimsical Little Knits-collections, and I've considered buying both. I'll have to wait and see what I feel like after payday, and once my Swedish exam is over ;) Then again, I'm waiting for 2 other books to be delivered.
Tahtotiloja / Wants, wants and more wants
Tutustuin viikonloppuna uuteen Twist Collectiviin. Siinä oli monta ihanaa ohjetta, ja jos rahatilanne antaisi myöten, ostaisin ainakin viisi ohjetta heti kättelyssä. Pahimmat tahtotilan aiheuttajat ovat Luminen, Argyle jacket, Audrey In Unst, Vine Yoke Cardigan, Lorelei ja Twigs and Leaves. Samoin Mimico vestissä ja Pas de Valseissa on jujuja jotka kiinnostavat.
Hankin myös uusimman Interweave Knitsin, ja olen ajatellu aloittaa sieltä Trellis and Vine (Rav-linkki) kun aika antaa myöten. Olen myös tykästynyt useaan muuhunkin ohjeeseen, joten kiirettä näyttää pitävän neulerintamalla. Hupsista.
I stumbled upon the most recent issue of Twist Collective over the weekend. I've fallen desperately in love with quite a few of the patterns, if the list of them in the Finnish portion of this post is anything to go by. If money wasn't an issue, I'd be buying Luminen, Argyle jacket, Audrey In Unst, and Vine Yoke Cardigan right away, with Lorelei and Twigs and Leaves following close behind. I also love the shape of Mimico vest, even though I'm not the biggest fan of colour work, and I love the idea of an airy wrap cardigan like Pas de Valse, despite the colour pictured not being one of my favourites ;)
I also picked up the latest autumn edition of Interweave Knits, and can't wait to cast on for the Trellis and Vine (Rav-link). There are also several other patterns I'm looking forward to knitting, so looks like there'll be very little rest for the wicked. Oopsie ;)
Hankin myös uusimman Interweave Knitsin, ja olen ajatellu aloittaa sieltä Trellis and Vine (Rav-linkki) kun aika antaa myöten. Olen myös tykästynyt useaan muuhunkin ohjeeseen, joten kiirettä näyttää pitävän neulerintamalla. Hupsista.
I stumbled upon the most recent issue of Twist Collective over the weekend. I've fallen desperately in love with quite a few of the patterns, if the list of them in the Finnish portion of this post is anything to go by. If money wasn't an issue, I'd be buying Luminen, Argyle jacket, Audrey In Unst, and Vine Yoke Cardigan right away, with Lorelei and Twigs and Leaves following close behind. I also love the shape of Mimico vest, even though I'm not the biggest fan of colour work, and I love the idea of an airy wrap cardigan like Pas de Valse, despite the colour pictured not being one of my favourites ;)
I also picked up the latest autumn edition of Interweave Knits, and can't wait to cast on for the Trellis and Vine (Rav-link). There are also several other patterns I'm looking forward to knitting, so looks like there'll be very little rest for the wicked. Oopsie ;)
Monday, 10 August 2009
Salainen neuleagentti / Undercover knitter
Olen pitänyt töissä aika matalaa käsityöprofiilia. Muutama työkaveri tietää jo leipomistaipumuksen, mutta ennen tämänpäiväistä lounasta, neulomisesta taisi tietää yksi työkaveri.
Sattumalta sitten hississä yksi työkaveri mietti ääneen, että mistäköhän hän löytäisi neulekurssin, kun edellisestä kutimesta on jo kulunut jokunen hetki. Sanoin käyväni muutamassakin neuletapaamisessa, ja että kummassakin saa tarvittaessa neuvoa. Siinä sitten lounaan äärellä juttelimme muiden asioiden lomassa vähän käsitöistä, ja neuleblogeistakin. Tuli siinä kehrääminenkin mainittua. Luulen, etteivät työkaverit kuitenkaan vielä ihan tajunneet kuinka hurahtanut yksilö olenkaan ;)
I've been keeping a fairly low profile about my knitting and spinning habit at work. A few colleagues will have heard about my baking habit, but before today's lunchbreak, I think only one of my colleagues knew about me knitting.
We were in the lift, going for lunch, when one of my workmates started wondering aloud about wanting to find a knitting course, as it had been a while since she last knitted anything. Turns out that both of my lunch companions have some fibre art experience beyond what they would have learned at school, which I hadn't known about. I mentioned both of the knitting meets I attend regularly, and mentioned that there's usually someone to help out at both places. Over lunch we talked about knitting, crocheting etc amongst a few work related topics, and we even touched upon knitting blogs, and spinning. I still don't think the whole extent of my knitting and spinning madness was revealed to my workmates though, which is a GOOD THING ;)
Sattumalta sitten hississä yksi työkaveri mietti ääneen, että mistäköhän hän löytäisi neulekurssin, kun edellisestä kutimesta on jo kulunut jokunen hetki. Sanoin käyväni muutamassakin neuletapaamisessa, ja että kummassakin saa tarvittaessa neuvoa. Siinä sitten lounaan äärellä juttelimme muiden asioiden lomassa vähän käsitöistä, ja neuleblogeistakin. Tuli siinä kehrääminenkin mainittua. Luulen, etteivät työkaverit kuitenkaan vielä ihan tajunneet kuinka hurahtanut yksilö olenkaan ;)
I've been keeping a fairly low profile about my knitting and spinning habit at work. A few colleagues will have heard about my baking habit, but before today's lunchbreak, I think only one of my colleagues knew about me knitting.
We were in the lift, going for lunch, when one of my workmates started wondering aloud about wanting to find a knitting course, as it had been a while since she last knitted anything. Turns out that both of my lunch companions have some fibre art experience beyond what they would have learned at school, which I hadn't known about. I mentioned both of the knitting meets I attend regularly, and mentioned that there's usually someone to help out at both places. Over lunch we talked about knitting, crocheting etc amongst a few work related topics, and we even touched upon knitting blogs, and spinning. I still don't think the whole extent of my knitting and spinning madness was revealed to my workmates though, which is a GOOD THING ;)
Friday, 7 August 2009
Tieto lisää tuskaa / Sometimes ignorance is bliss
Vierailin juuri yhdessä lähistöllä olevassa lankakaupassa. Kyseisessä kaupassa on esim. seinällinen sukkalankaa, jota ihailin pitkähkön tovin. Olisin jopa löytänyt oikean vahvuista pellavaa "Luminarie"-hameeseen, mutta sitä ei ollut riittävää määrää oikeassa värissä. Erilaisia puuvilla- ja puuvillasekoitelankoja olisi ollut vaikka muille jakaa, mutta siinä sitten jahkailin, ja yritin pähkäillä tulisiko hameesta ihan susi puuvillaisena. Jäivät langat sitten kauppaan, kun eräs ei osannut päättää yhtään mitään.
Joskus olisi kiva vaan neuloa murehtimatta sitä mikä voi mennä vikaan kunkin kuitutyypin kanssa. Puhumattakaan pähkäilyitä eri lankojen ansioista...
I just visited one of my LYS's. This particular one has a display of beautiful sock yarn, the spans the width of one of the walls in the room you enter through. I admired the pretties for a good while as well ;) I even found some sport weight linen for the "Luminarie" I've wanted to do since I first saw the pattern in the Summer 2009 IK preview months ago. Unofortunately, they only had one cone of the colour I liked most, and even that wasn't completely right. They had a massive selection of cotton and cotton blend yarns in a variety of weights that might have been possible, but I ended up wondering for far too long if a skirt made out of cotton was doomed to fail from the outset. No new yarn for me today...
Sometimes I wish I didn't spend quite so much time looking up the ups and downs of tons of fiber types or having inner dialogues about the merits of different yarns.
Joskus olisi kiva vaan neuloa murehtimatta sitä mikä voi mennä vikaan kunkin kuitutyypin kanssa. Puhumattakaan pähkäilyitä eri lankojen ansioista...
I just visited one of my LYS's. This particular one has a display of beautiful sock yarn, the spans the width of one of the walls in the room you enter through. I admired the pretties for a good while as well ;) I even found some sport weight linen for the "Luminarie" I've wanted to do since I first saw the pattern in the Summer 2009 IK preview months ago. Unofortunately, they only had one cone of the colour I liked most, and even that wasn't completely right. They had a massive selection of cotton and cotton blend yarns in a variety of weights that might have been possible, but I ended up wondering for far too long if a skirt made out of cotton was doomed to fail from the outset. No new yarn for me today...
Sometimes I wish I didn't spend quite so much time looking up the ups and downs of tons of fiber types or having inner dialogues about the merits of different yarns.
Monday, 3 August 2009
Här stricker man även pä svenska
Ilmoittauduin toukokuussa hetken huumassa (ja lievissä viinihöyryissä) valtionhallinon ruotsin kokeeseen valmistavalle kurssille kesäyliopistoon.
In May, I signed up for a prep course for the Swedish exam one needs to pass for most public sector jobs. In my defence, it was during a moment of uncharacteristic madness (and ummm after huffing the fumes of a few glasses of wine)...
Tänään oli ensimmäin tunti, ja rankkaa oli, mutta ei ihan niin pelottavaa kun olin luullut.
My first marathon lesson was today, and while it was fairly tiring, it wasn't nearly as scary as I had thought.
Taas kerran muu elämä tuntuu haittaavan hyville harrastuksille omistautumista. Pitäisikö huolestua kun himoitsen enemmän kauniita kenkiä, kuin lankaa?
Again, a case of Life getting in the way of properly dedicating oneself to one's hobbies. And should I worry about the fact that I would rather buy a pair of infinitely pretty shoes, than yarn?
In May, I signed up for a prep course for the Swedish exam one needs to pass for most public sector jobs. In my defence, it was during a moment of uncharacteristic madness (and ummm after huffing the fumes of a few glasses of wine)...
Tänään oli ensimmäin tunti, ja rankkaa oli, mutta ei ihan niin pelottavaa kun olin luullut.
My first marathon lesson was today, and while it was fairly tiring, it wasn't nearly as scary as I had thought.
Taas kerran muu elämä tuntuu haittaavan hyville harrastuksille omistautumista. Pitäisikö huolestua kun himoitsen enemmän kauniita kenkiä, kuin lankaa?
Again, a case of Life getting in the way of properly dedicating oneself to one's hobbies. And should I worry about the fact that I would rather buy a pair of infinitely pretty shoes, than yarn?
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